Tuesday 6 December 2016

hari raya throwback 2016

assalamualaikum , 
haii , okay hari raya tahun ni memang special sebab jatuh time hari jadi saya 17 July huuuuuuu~
and so this is my family's photo .. mom dad bro sis lil bro and me . yeah see , I am so comlete with having such a complete family in my life except having a lil sis but its okay actually.

so kami memang x sejoli dalam warna tapi hati kami selalu je sejoli.


went to Gurun , and I dah tak ingat low memory

with my sister


and bukak sekolah pulak ada sambutan hari raya and kena pakai baju raya , with my close friend , Wani .. she is kind of pretty and famous girl in my school , and I am just a potato haha

and with my precious mom . she is my inspiration to become pretty *berazam*

Kem Legasi Unggul HAK-UPSI

Assalamualaikum hai Alhamdulillah, today I still be given a chance from Allah to share my experience about camping. actually, I would l...